RidgeMen Ministry seeks to equip men to build Christ-centered relationships through Bible study, service, leadership, and community.

Bible Study – we challenge the world’s view of manliness, as we learn through scripture those characteristics, which God created in men and called us to exhibit. We have a weekly Mens Bible Study that takes place on Wednesdays at 6pm.

Service – we seek opportunities to use our gifts and talents in furtherance of His kingdom.

Leadership – we stand firm in the faith, placing Christ first in our homes, workplace, and community.

Community – we work to develop unity in the body of Christ through genuine relationships that strengthen our walk and encourage men through authenticity and accountability.

Man Camp is an annual one night camping trip for all men of Ridgecrest – (boys, teens, & men of all ages). You won’t be too far from home and can even enjoy the comfort of your own bed if tent camping isn’t your style.

This multigenerational event includes some of the manliest things you can imagine — eating together, studying the Word, sitting around the campfire, shooting skeet, fishing, 4-wheeler riding, axe throwing, shooting bow & arrows, swinging golf clubs, and so much more!!!

Contact Joel Bench (joel@ridgecrest.com) for additional information about our RidgeMen Ministry.