What We Provide

Nursery Hours The nursery opens at 9:15 and closes 15 minutes after the Sunday morning service ends. It is best to promptly pick up your children, since little ones sometimes start to worry once they see others leaving.Snacks Snacks, (generally consisting of cheerios, fruit loops, crackers and water) are given to children aged 2-4, during their time with us. If your child has any allergies, please indicate it on their security nametag and let the nursery director know. In addition, please feel free to bring an appropriate snack from home and we can give it your child during the designated snack time.



We believe that even our littlest ones can learn! Regular learning experiences are planned and reinforced with songs, Bible stories, and age-appropriate learning activities. We strive to bring stories to life though activities and discussion that keeps children engaged. We want all children to love God’s Word and understand the value of applying it to their lives. Family Take-Home Pages Each child will receive an age-appropriate activity page that includes the week’s Bible story, Bible verse, and a related activity. Parents can reinforce what was learned at church by reading the story and the Bible verse at home during the week.